About Shroomery
Our Story
Shroomery started as a simple endeavour to fill a void in the market - that of easy availability of different varieties of mushrooms.
Our founder, Sumit, had spent several years living in South East Asia and the US, where he was exposed to a wide variety of mushrooms in the food that he ate, and upon his return to India, the lack of availability of different kinds of mushrooms (other than button mushrooms) confounded him. This led him on a path to educate himself about mushrooms and their cultivation. He spent time surveying the several markets of the city, speaking to mushroom farmers and chefs, and even spending two weeks at the epicentre of mushroom research in the country, Directorate of Mushroom Research (DMR) at Solan.
What started off as an experiment to simply grow some shrooms in his backyard, is now a round the year mushroom farm that supplies different kinds of gourmet mushrooms to homes and restaurants in Delhi NCR. Some of the mushroom varieties we grow are oyster, milky, portobello, shiitake and king oyster.
We soon hope to diversify into making our own in-house products using the mushrooms we grow (stay tuned)!
Our Farm

Located just outside Gurgaon, our 5-acre farm serves as a breeding hub for all the luscious mushrooms we bring to you! Here we grow chemical-free, fresh shrooms in a way which helps us to bring you fresh produce at your doorstep every day.
Our knowledge of mushrooms, and our farm, is always a work-in-progress. Keeping in mind the delicate nature of the shrooms, we’ve built an infrastructure that enables us to grow them all year long. With the help of both temperature-controlled and seasonal grow rooms, we are constantly experimenting with cultivation techniques to provide you with a wide array of high-quality gourmet mushrooms.